Friday, January 31, 2020

Putting It All Together Essay Example for Free

Putting It All Together Essay A Childhood to Remember Memorial Splash Park has gone through the early planning stages. It is now time to take what the committee has composed on paper, and turn it into a reality. The planning stages has taken a total of three months to accurately address timing, sitting/sizing, cost, potential funding, and community research for the park. Once those issues were calculated and discussed, then the additional issues of which park elements will be used, security, and maintenance of the splash park was addressed. The proposal of Memorial Splash Park has been presented to the board, as well as all research in regards to cost, sitting, sizing, funding options, equipment/labor needed, security, maintenance, and community surveys. The proposal was voted 6 to 1 in favor of construction of Memorial Splash Park. I, and the committee, have to decide to break ground September 4th, 2012 and complete construction exactly four months from the date. A brief, but detailed, account will be given as to the steps taken over the four months to get the park up and running. Planned Cost of Construction  Before construction could begin, total cost had to be calculated for Memorial Splash Park. Once every aspect of the planning stage was researched and gathered, C. Faye (assigned committee member to calculating cost) used this equation to the overall cost of project = Cost of playground equipment + Cost of installation + Cost of surfacing + Cost of design fees, grading, landscaping, and other expenses = Total project cost or budget (Ruth, 2008). This basic equation will help the project stay within budget and the time frame set. Month 1: Underground Work  Before any park elements could be laid down, the old foundation of the area selected had to be broken up and the Earth dug up to view the current pipe and drainage system (see appendix diagram 1). It was the determined that minimal issues had to be addressed to make the pipe and drainage system adequate to serve the needs of the splash park. What saved a great deal on time was the fact 4 in. PVC pipes (not metal) were in place. Once the minor issues were addressed, the system was tested and inspected; it was passed by the citys lead structural engineer. This initial process took a total of two weeks to complete. Now that the proper pipe/drainage system is in place, foundation has been laid in the respective areas for the full basketball court and water area. These areas required a special concrete blend. The playground area foundation will be composed of a shock absorbing material that will help make that area safe. To reduce the risk of injury due to falls, playground equipment should be located above a shock-absorbing, or safety surface (Ruth, 2008). It is imperative that children safety be first and foremost. The laying of foundation on each specialized area took two weeks. So the total process correcting pipe/drainage system to laying the foundation was one month. Month 2: Playground Construction Once the foundation has properly dried and been tested, it was decided to start piecing together the playground area (see appendix diagram Playground Area). After much consideration, it was agreed upon going with pressure-treated wood with a hint of durable recycled plastic over galvanized steel and aluminum. It will give the area a modern yet familiar feel. We decided to go with the equipment manufacturers option of a community build. This helped save 25% of the cost of the playground. The community build allowed for the community to come together to erect and assemble the play structure. The manufacturer even provided assistance to help organize a successful â€Å"Build Week†, and also trained supervisors to oversee the work. This assembly of the playground area took a total of two and a half weeks, and the remainder of the month was left to rigorous testing of the structure. Month 3: Splash Area Construction, so far, has gone as planned, until a three straight days of rain occurred. This pushed back the start of the splash area (see appendix diagram Splash Area) by a week. This part of the process did not include the community involvement and was completed by the hired construction crew plus a structural engineer. The elements of the splash park include galvanized steel parts to make the different structures that water will shoot, spray, and pour down. Also, during the laying of the foundation process, holes were made in order to allow for water to shoot up from the ground, allow for the placement of made structures, and to drain the water out. The different colors chosen were to help bring about good vibes and fun times. Once every structure was composed, it was set and mounted in its respective place. The process took four week exactly and passed the structural engineers approval. Month 4: Basketball Court Area And Clean Up The construction of the splash area went over by a week due to rain. This left three weeks left until Memorial Splash Park was completed. The last thing was finishing the full court basketball area (see appendix diagram Basketball Court) and cleaning up before the grand opening. The court was left for last because it will take the least amount of time to complete. First thing that was done was to surface the court with lights. The surfacing process took no more than three days. Lastly the court was lined and painted and allowed to dry. The basketball court construction was completed in a week and a half. The final week and a half was left to an intense community cleanup, with proper disposal, and reevaluations of each area. Each area was again passed and what could be recycled was indeed. Additional Structures and Services As each area was built, there were also a specified amount of benches, three medium covered picnic areas, grills, and a mile walking circle enclosing the park added. These additional structures will assist in appealing to every one of all ages. The committee left no stone unturned when planning out Memorial Splash Park. Additional services must be provided to keep the park in pristine condition and safe for the patrons. Maintenance will be done quarterly by the Park and Recreation Department for the city. They will be accompanied by a structural engineer to ensure the structures have not been compromised by nature (severe thunder, hail, and rain storms) or defaced. Also the park will be opened from 8:00am to 10:00pm and will have two plain clothed armed security guards on duty during those times. The security guards are there to eliminate sexual predators, bullying, gang activity, and fighting. We want everybody to be able to come and have a great time without worrying about anything. Conclusion Memorial Splash Park opened to great reviews seven months after a small committee came together to make a change. A community barbeque/splash day was held and everybody was invited. The overall goal was to provide a safe and free place where children and families can enjoy themselves. The construction process was broken down over four months, with each month dedicated to the building of a specific area. Each structure brought about its own set of challenges, from making sure proper pipe/drainage system was in order to dealing with the elements. The project managed to stay on budget and within the time frame allotted. Memorial Splash Park would not have been the success it is with the involvement of the community. They helped with the building of the playground area as well as the cleanup. Memorial Splash Park was born out of the need to return fun to the children of the community as well as bring the community together. All it takes is few willing minds to do something bigger than them.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Limitations of Reason Exposed in Crime and Punishment :: Crime Punishment Essays

The Limitations of Reason Exposed in Crime and Punishment    Dostoevsky's   Crime and Punishment illustrates an important idea. The idea is that "reason," that grand and uniquely human power, is limited in reach and scope.   Social critic Friedrich August von Hayek commented once that, ". it may be that the most difficult task for human reason is to comprehend its own limitations. It is essential for the growth of reason that as individuals we should bow to forces and obey principles we cannot hopefully to understand, yet on which the advance and even the preservation of civilization may depend." Such limitations imply that on life's most important questions - particularly those of a moral or ethical nature -- reason alone can produce chilling consequences. Without adequate or any moral illumination, reason alone, when pushed to its limits, can produce consequences which stand dramatically opposed to those moral demands. Dostoevsky's   narrative is directed as a specific critique of Russian manifestations of purely rational political theories current in the 1860's in his homeland. But the challenge he poses has meaning for us at the end of the 20th century.    Dostoevsky's parable focuses on a particular brand of 19th century Russian ideology, as it begins to crystallize in the mind of a young idealist. But the modeling procedure Dostoevsky uses in teasing out the contradictions of Raskolnikov's unguided application of a morally bankrupt theory, could equally well be applied to contemporary thinking around several important and equally bankrupt modern ideas - ideas harshly criticized by thinkers such as Hayek.    Without direction - the source of which is ultimately beyond rational understanding - in the domain of the meta-rational -- reason-as-reason will, sooner or later, run aground. Directed reason on the other hand provides an orientation - an orientation that gives purpose and direction to inquiry -- by allowing us to select from an infinite range of possibilities the right path - the "right" reason.   Problems emerged for Raskolnikov then, and for us now when we deny the need to recognize, acknowledge and bow to external guidance.   The rational and the meta-rational must operate symbiotically: one pointing the way, the other uncovering the Truth.      Raskolnikov rationalized murder. We are appalled. Why? Each of us will attempt to answer in a different way. Fundamentally though I think that most of our answers boil down to the same idea.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Are the Concerns over Globalization Justified?

Globalization is one of the most vibrant, contested, and debated issues in modern international relations. Some argue that globalization brings great benefits, while others argue that globalization is fundamentally flawed. Countries in the world today are largely Interconnected, whether through trade relations, cultural exchanges, multinational cooperation on world issues like the environment and natural resources.The term â€Å"globalization† is a process of worldwide movement towards economic, financial, trade and communications Integration, where the world becomes ore Interlinked and connected. Whether the concerns over globalization Is Justified or not, questions if the worries of globalization is supported by logical and substantial reasons. As much as globalization has its pros sand cons, I feel that the concerns over globalization are valid.The reason being that globalization results in culture leveling, ethnocentrism, economic disparity, technological disparity, enviro nmental degradation and lastly, unemployment and labor drain One concern of globalization Is culture leveling, where cultures become homogeneous and local culture Is lost. This Is process by which different cultures become increasingly similar to one another, most often as a result of travel and communication. The danger of cultural leveling is that it can erode the traditional cultural practices, beliefs and interests of one group, in favor of another, therefore creating one culture that dominates all others.Due to globalization, countries have been opening up to trade and welcoming foreign investments to their country. Local cultures feel threatened and overwhelmed by foreign products and their associated values Like In the phase of Singapore, there are many foreign investments, such as the all-famous McDonald's. Those foreign eateries are slowly replacing the hawker centre and food courts here, as more people preferred eating at such places compared oat hawker centre and food cou rts. As a result, there is homogeneities of culture, loss of cultural diversity and the erosion of culture.For example, cultural products now make up the second largest United States' export behind aircraft. In 1992, the united States purchased only $288 million in cultural products from the nations of the European Community (SEC) combines, while the SEC nations bought $3. 7 billion in US cultural products. Culture leveling is a serious and long-term problem cause once the cultural sites are gone, It Is difficult or almost Impossible to revive them again. Even If It Is possible to construct similar bulldogs, It may not have the nostalgia feel.Therefore the concern of culture leveling over globalization is Justified. Another concern of globalization Is ethnocentrism whereby we make false assumptions about another culture, can often lead to misinterpretation, prejudice and negative relations between social groups, due to the exchange of cultures encouraged by globalization. Globalizat ion allows people from all over the world to exchange cultures with one another. The problem with this is that there will be increased proximity arising from increased trade, which could lead to conflict because different groups have divergent values, beliefs and norms.As a result, there will be increasing outbursts of violence that run along ethnic and cultural lines. An example is the Samuel Huntington Clash of Civilizations, a theory that people's cultural and religious identities will be the primary source of conflict in the post-Cold War world. There are basically six main explanations to his theory. First, differences among civilizations are not only real; they are basic. Civilizations are differentiated from each other by history, language, culture, tradition and, most important, religion.Second, the world is becoming a smaller place. The interactions between peoples of different civilizations are increasing; these increasing interactions intensify civilization consciousness and awareness of differences between civilizations and commonalities within civilizations. Third, the processes of economic modernization and social change throughout the world are separating people from longstanding local identities. They also weaken the nation state as a source of identity. Fourth, the growth of civilization-consciousness is enhanced by the dual role of the West.Fifth, cultural characteristics and differences are less mutable and hence less easily compromised and resolved than political and economic ones. Finally, economic regionalism is increasing. This problem of ethnocentrism might be serious if people continue to differentiate others with their values, beliefs and norms. Tension might build up among the people with different values, beliefs and norms, as they will misunderstand one another thus causing long-term problems because it is unlikely o resolve the conflict overnight and their way of thinking may be negatively influenced by their peers.Therefore, the concern of ethnocentrism over globalization is Justified. The third concern of globalization is economic disparity. Globalization may result in greater economic disparity between the rich and poor, basically the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. This is because the rich seek to benefit themselves; the rich countries are also better equipped (in terms of infrastructure, educational level of their people and amount of capital etcetera) to reap the benefits. One example is the growing concentration and monopolizing of economic resources and power by Multinational Corporations (Macs) and global financial firms.Only 20% of the world population in the developed countries receives 82. 7% of the world income. In 1989, the average income of 20% of the people living in the richest country was 60 times higher than 20% of the people living in the poorest countries. Shockingly, this ration had doubled 30 times from 1950. However, this cannot be blamed on globalization solely becau se the higher income of the rich in less developed or developing countries has not been translated into investment, exulting in unemployment and the growing income disparity. Even if they had done so, this does not narrow the income gap between the two groups significantly.Thus, this problem of income disparity is serious and long-term because countries would only want to speed up the rate of the improvement of their economy so that the parts of the country will be more productive than to improve the less developed parts of the country. Thus, government tends to ignore the poorer parts of the country or improve it at very slow rate, causing the widening of income gap. It also takes a lot of mime and money to narrow the income gap of the rich and poor which would be detrimental to the country's economy. Therefore, the concern of economic disparity over globalization is Justified.Another concern of globalization that should be addressed is the increasing technological disparity betwee n the rich and the poor countries. Globalization may result in greater technological disparity between the rich (e. G. United States of America) and the poor countries (e. G. Africa). The emerging world economy is electronic. Countries will be integrated through info systems and technology. The ore developed countries are better equipped in terms of infrastructure and the educational level to harness the advanced technology. The less developed countries will thus remain on the periphery.For example, Nikkei industry in Vietnam and Thailand tends to be labor intensive and therefore rely on low-tech or less skilled labor Just because they have a lot of labor. But this is not exactly caused by globalization. Different countries have different capacities to adopt technology. Thus, Olds must find their own balance between globalization and use of IT and the pace of trade liberalizing. Many countries suffer from absence of science and technology infrastructure and technology policies. Also , they have poor utilization of available technical manpower.Governments and non-governmental organizations should also step back and allow markets and private sector to play greater role in transfer of technology. The problem of technological disparity is rather serious. Technological disparity is also linked to income disparity, if a country does not have enough incentives and funds, the country is unable to purchase new or more advanced technology, thus the productivity of that particular cannot may not be as efficient as entries who are able to purchase advanced and latest technology to help in their production.Countries that do not have the purchasing ability are most likely the less developed countries or poorer parts of a country while countries that are able to enjoy such blessings of advanced technologies are the more developed countries and the richer parts of a country. Hence the poorer regions will remain poor as their productivity remain low while richer regions continu e to prosper. Thus technological disparity between the rich and poor countries is a long-term problem of liberation, which is Justified.However some may argue that the concerns over globalization are not Justified because the problems can be minimized. Globalization has caused the improvement of technology and transport making transport more convenient and efficient to carry goods and people from one place to another. One example that globalization has improved transportation is the creation of cars. There is an increasing trend in the number of people who owns a car. Cars emit greenhouse gases such as carbon deplete and leading to the increase rate of global warming.Thus with advance genealogy, the catalytic converter was invented to convert those pollutant gases to less harmful gases. But not all countries actually make it compulsory for all cars to instill the catalytic converter in their vehicles unlike Singapore. Hence even if there is this converter to convert harmful gases to less harmful gas, it will not have a large impact on the environment if very few people use that. Greenhouse gas emissions are also caused by rapid industrialization in the developing world and the heavy dependence on fossil fuels. Environmental depletion is also caused by the overuse of sources.This is because there has been a rise in demand and ecosystem removal as a result of population growth. The need for disposable products has caused logging to be on the increase, which result in the excessive deforestation. Once the ozone layer is depleted, it is non-reversible, neither can it be cured. Thus this is a very serious problem and it is long-termed because there is nothing that can be done to reverse the effect of ozone depletion except to slow down the rate of global warming. Therefore environmental degradation is a concern of globalization that can be Justified.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Chicago Residents Are Unable For A Spot Essay - 1248 Words

Chicago residents are unable to do so. In 2014, when CHA reopened its waiting lists, almost a full quarter of the city’s population applied for a spot (Newman 2014). By 2013, the number of renters in Chicago that were rent burdened increased to 51% (Capperis, Ellen and Kaufman 2015, 14). The end of 2015 found 124,357 people on the CHA wait list (CHA 2015). It is against the backdrop of increasing poverty, higher rent burdens and a lack of affordable housing in the city that criticism has been launched at CHA for failing to release the total amount of vouchers they received from the federal government as well as failing to meet their stated goal of 25,000 units, but also for leaving a percentage of units â€Å"offline†. By offline they mean that those units are not available to rent usually for maintenance reasons or because the unit is pending redevelopment. By the second quarter of FY2015, CHA still had 2,823 offline units (CHA 2016, 20). Since the CHA received a Moving to Work (MTW) grant from HUD, they are exempt from many of the typical reporting requirements mandated by HUD. This leaves CHA with an enormous amount of flexibility in using funds and moving funds around. This lack of accountability has been a common community complaint. As one local newspaper said, â€Å"As the city looks elsewhere, the Chicago Housing Authority has been quietly and steadily perpetrating some of the most disturbing institutional mismanagement in a city where jaw-dropping corruption is a spectatorShow MoreRelatedTyphoid Fever Essay examples1759 Words   |  8 Pagesthat usually enters a person through oral means, though it can be transmitted from flies and other insects. When the bacterium passes down to the bowel, it penetrates through the intestinal lining to the underlying tissue. 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